Farewells & Goodbyes

Millie - Love you like air.

Farewells and Goodbyes

This will be dedicated to the family and friends abroad which demonstrates how many lives she touched. If you would like to add to this, please text your name and message to 831.236.0849

A Precious Moment 

In an infinite universe

full of wonder 

our paths crossed

if only for a moment

Your bright light

illuminated this world

I am forever grateful

for that present

You left too soon

on your way to glory

as you were called

to your divine ascent

We missed our chance

for a fond farewell

a note of love

that was never sent

But this fragile life

is full of mystery

to be pondered

without resent

So we call your name

with great delight

and thank the stars

with immense intent

Though our time has passed

We will always cherish

The gift you gave us

A precious moment

-- Dale

Millie, you rolled into my world on a pink bike at Via Paraiso park in 4th grade.  We went on to create so many memories. From rebellious teens in the 90's, to laughing, loving shenanigans into our 40's. You are and always will be in my heart.  See you on the other side my friend.

Love  --  Skipper (aka: Sheri C.)

My sweet Millster, we miss you terribly & will never forget the love & influence you had on us. We too, are in a better place, because of you. Thank you for everything you taught me and my family about life, love and moving forward. Wishing you Godspeed on your journey. Our Heavenly Father, and all those that passed before you, welcome you with open arms. My tears are happy because I know you are no longer in pain. You are a strong, brave woman. Kiss Chandra for me, I know that you are together forever!  --  Christine-Mom

Millie loved life and helping others.  She was passionate and fearless in her Convictions.  She seemed tough, but she was very sensitive and vulnerable.  I miss you sweet girl. RIP  --  Aunt Hana L.

Thank you for being a thoughtful  and friendly neighbor, coming home to a note and flower shows how caring you were.  You are missed, may you rest in peace.  --  Saray C.

Millie, you were right.  --  Lynn

Dear Millie, we miss you terribly.  --  Nick G.